10 March 2014

Recipe | Easy Peasy Pesto

Pesto and I got off to a bad start. 

I can't stand the jars of shop bought pesto and for many naive years I thought that was all pesto had to offer. 

So we said our farewells and went our separate ways.

Until now! I was craving something herby and cheesy for dinner and decided to give pesto one last chance to woo me. And oh boy did it woo me! 

This recipe gives an incredible burst of herby, garlicky flavour and the parmersan packs just the right amount of punch.

For 2 portions you'll need:
1 large handful of basil leaves
1 clove of garlic (diced)
4 dessert spoons of olive oil
2 dessert spoons of parmesan
Small handful of pinenuts
Grind of pepper
Pinch of salt
Squeeze of lemon

Pop all of your ingredients in a blender (or pestle and mortar) and blend until well combined. I always find I need to add small amounts of parmesan/basil depending on how I want it to taste - the type of parmesan and the freshness of the basil will affect the flavour so taste as you go! A motto I like to live by...

I love my pesto served simply with grilled chicken and spaghetti, how will you have yours?

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